Recent Projects
Recent Projects

North East of Leicester Strategic Urban Extension

Strategic development site north east of Leicester

View of development site to the east of Thurmaston

Hawksmoor have been involved from the inception of this large strategic site.  Our clients, Commercial Estates Group, have promoted the site for 8 years, which has culminated in a Resolution to Grant Planning Permission by Charnwood Borough Council in November 2014, in advance of the Adoption of the Core Strategy.

The site will deliver some 4,500 new homes, 3 primary schools, a reserved site for a secondary school, a district centre, 2 local centres, significant areas of open space and up to 13 hectares of employment land.

Our role has involved the following tasks during the last 8 years:

  • Project Management of Core Team in delivery of key tasks to support the application
  • Regular meetings with Charnwood, Leicester City and County Council Officers through Steering Group and Technical Sub Group meetings to identify and overcome project issues
  • Liaison Group meetings with key stakeholders, Ward Members and Parish Councils both pre and post resolution to permission.  Continued community liaison is seen as a very important role by our clients in shaping new communities
  • Section 106 negotiations
  • Land and future marketing strategy.

Commercial Estates Group

© Hawksmoor 2015.
Company Registration No. 4396482
Place of Registration - England
Registered Address - Hawksmoor Property Services Limited, Elford Park Farm, Brickhouse Lane, Elford, Tamworth, Staffordshire, England, B79 9DF.
VAT number - 729 6745 87

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